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For 2024 SOLEX have updated the classifications for exhibitor product ranges due to more and more different products becoming available. The current new classifications are as follows:


Grills, Pizza ovens, Smokers, Outdoor Kitchens, and associated accessories

Garden Decoration

Ornaments, Water Features, Sculptures , Garden Mirrors, Garden Clocks, Garden Statues, Planters, Outdoor Candles

Garden Furniture

Chairs, Tables, Hammocks, Benches, Outdoor Bean Bags, Deckchairs, Sofas, Sun Beds, Recliners, Loungers

Garden Leisure Buildings

 Garden Rooms, Storage, Arbours, Arches, Gazebos, Sheds

Outdoor Heating

Firepits, Chimineas, Patio Heaters, Outdoor Lanterns

Outdoor Health

Hot Tubs, Spas, Saunas

Outdoor Entertainment

Outdoor Speakers, Lighting, Garden Games

Outdoor Living Accessories

Covers, Cushions, Windbreaks


Parasols, Sunshades,
Awnings, Gazebos

List of


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